
"Selected personal readings from three daily devotional books based on Brother Watchman Nee's ministry - 'A Table in the Wilderness', 'The Joyful Heart', and 'The Lord my Portion'." ~ Bro Mike (朱堅宜)

Monday, October 08, 2007

One Talent Member

"Now hath God set the members each one of them in the body, even as it pleased Him." - 1 Corinthians 12:18

Tell me, which is the better member, the foot or the hand? There is, when you come to think of it, no way of comparing them. Their function in the human body is quite different, and each is equally needed there. And yet many minimize God's calling. Because they cannot be the special member they admire, they decline to take their place at all. This is exactly the situation described in Jesus' parable of the men with the talents in Matthew chapter 25. There was a servant with five talents, and another with two, but the whole emphasis of the parable is on the one-talent man. The danger is of the one-talent brother burying his talent. 'Since I cannot occupy a place of prominence,' he asks himself, 'does it matter therefore whether I occupy any place at all?' It most certainly does! For the parable teaches that if two can grow into four, one can grow into two. It is by functioning that we discover life. The Church's life is hampered and impoverished by the holding back of the one-talent members.

A Table In The Wilderness (Watchman Nee 主僕倪柝聲弟兄)

Read the Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12