
"Selected personal readings from three daily devotional books based on Brother Watchman Nee's ministry - 'A Table in the Wilderness', 'The Joyful Heart', and 'The Lord my Portion'." ~ Bro Mike (朱堅宜)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Brotherly Love

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God." - 1 John 4:7

The life within the children of God is so rich that it is possible for them to love all their brothers and sisters in Christ. Such love is the spontaneous fruit of God's Holy Spirit. There is no difference between loving one brother and loving them all, for the same love is shown to the one as to the many. He is loved just because he is a brother, because they are brethren. The number of persons has no bearing here, for the love expressed is 'of God.' Brotherly love is love of all the brethren.

Let us be careful lest we do things that violate that love. Do not allow your brotherly love to desert you because of wounds received, for this will have sorry consequences. God has put many brothers and sisters in our way, here and now, to be the targets of love. These give us the opportunity to realize in costly, concrete terms our love toward God. Never boast of your love to God; just learn to show love to the brethren.

The Joyful Heart (by Watchman Nee 主僕倪柝聲弟兄)

Read the Scriptures: 1 John 4