
"Selected personal readings from three daily devotional books based on Brother Watchman Nee's ministry - 'A Table in the Wilderness', 'The Joyful Heart', and 'The Lord my Portion'." ~ Bro Mike (朱堅宜)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Right or Wrong

"Whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him twain." - Matthew 5:41

A brother in South China had a rice field in the middle of the hill. In time of drought he used a water-wheel, worked by a treadmill, to lift water from the irrigation stream into his field. His neighbour had two fields below his, and one night his neighbour made a breach in the dividing bank and drained off all his water. When the brother repaired the breach and pumped in more water, his neighbour did the same thing again, and this happened three or four times. So he consulted his brethren. 'I have tried to be patient and not to retaliate,' he said, 'but is it right?' After they had prayed together about it, one of them observed, 'If we only try to do the right thing, surely we are very poor Christians. We have to do something more than what is right.' The brother was much impressed. Next morning he pumped water for the two fields below, and in the afternoon pumped water for his own field. After that the water stayed in his field. His neighbour was so amazed at his action that he began to inquire the reason, until in due course he too found Christ.

'Right or wrong' is the principle of the Gentiles and tax gatherers (verse 46). Not that, but conformity to Him, must govern my life.

A Table In The Wilderness (Watchman Nee 主僕倪柝聲弟兄)

Read the Scriptures: Matthew 5